Ruby on Rails Starter Pack

Pro Plan ✅


Download Access ✔️Essential Features:Rails + TailwindCSS + Postgres boilerplate ✔️SaaS Landing Page ✔️Pre-built User Authentication (Email / Password and Magic Link) ✔️Efficient Session Management ✔️Integration with Lemon Squeezy Webhooks ✔️License Authentication System ✔️Mailer with simple setup ✔️Customizable Font Selection ✔️Google Analytics Integration ✔️Setup for Facebook & Twitter Metatags ✔️Easy Postgres Setup ✔️Future Updates ✔️Priority Support ✔️Collaborator Access to Repository ✔️Future Updates:Seamless access to new features and updates ✔️Continuous improvements and bug fixes ✔️Priority Support:Dedicated assistance for any issues or queries ✔️Priority bug fixes and feature requests ✔️

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